On my nephew’s 3rd birthday, I was searching for pictures of him. I love to reminisce on birthdays. Once I had my emotional picture fix, I mindlessly scrolled through pictures and started deleting those that were no longer valuable to me.
At the very moment when I was thinking “Why are you even doing this? There are a million other things you would be doing.” I found this:

I wrote this on June 28, 2017. I was in a leadership class and the exercise was to finish the sentence “THEY WILL SAY…” with how you want to be remembered. Surprisingly, a little over 2 years later I would start a business to do just that.
Own the person you want to be
I have always had a passion to help others, more specifically to help those around me be the best version of themselves. It is not about who everyone else is or wants to be but who YOU want to be. I want to live my life as an inspiration to others. When they see me, I want them to see what hard work and dedication to any craft can produce in your life. One motto I live by is “Faith without works is dead”.
Negative experiences are catalysts to success
On the outside, things may look pristine, polished, and effortless but honestly, it took a lot of work. Trials, tribulations, setbacks, depression, anxiety, loneliness. These negative experiences were catalysts to propel me into the life I have now. They prepared me to parent other people’s children like they were my own, to love those deeply who may not have loved me in the same way, to work and fight harder when no one is looking, to redefine what value means in my life. To step back and dream again and do things that I never imagined I could do
Change is always possible
My purpose is to fill the lives of others with inspiration. People need hope. If they can see someone coming through the struggle with polished armor on, then they may believe they can do it as well. Every person has the power within them to change his or her current situation for the better. EVERY PERSON. No matter where you come from, what wrongs you have done in the past, how bad the situation may look now. Do not be discouraged, instead, be inspired. It is important to realize that change is always possible.
Choose progress
YOU can do this. It may not be easy. It may take a lot of hard work and determination to reach the bright side of things. But if you put one foot in front of the other, you will make progress. Please do not “do NOTHING in a SOMETHING situation”. Instead, choose to change your life for the better.
You are exactly where you need to be
Most importantly, today is the perfect day to decide to change. Find your inspiration and follow it. Just take the first step, even if it is a small one. Then continue these small steps daily and a year (or two) from now you will be amazed at how far you have come. I sure was.
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