Writing this post was therapeutic after the last few months I had. It was great to just sit down and think about all the things that make me feel better.
There is a lot of talk about work-life balance but I’ve recognized that my energy balance is more important to me. Having a balanced energy level keeps me happier and better prepared to face my day.
I classified tasks into 3 energy-defined buckets: Energy exerting, energy neutral, and energy saving tasks.
DEFINITIONS Energy saving tasks: tasks which use less energy or restore/conserve energy Energy exerting tasks: tasks which require effort to complete; usually physical effort but could also be intense mental effort Energy neutral tasks: require little or no energy
The task you choose will be different depending on what type of bad day it was. I notice that on physically exertive days, I prefer some rest but on days where my mind was taxed, I want to shake it off with energy exerting tasks.
In the end, find things that will reset your energy balance. It is important to do what feels good to you. Your feelings and preferences will dictate which types of tasks work best for you.
Enough talking let’s get to the good stuff.
Energy Saving

1. Meditate
2. Pray
3. Do a puzzle
- Word Search
- Crossword
- Logic
- Jigsaw
I am a problem-solving, puzzle lover so this is one of my favorite ways to unwind.
4. Do something for someone else
There are so many ways to brighten up someone else’s day. Volunteer your time, buy someone flowers, or pick up the tab for the stranger behind you in line at the coffee shop. Doing things for others just puts a smile on my face.
5. Read
- Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I have always enjoyed reading because it allowed me to be anywhere else whenever things were bad growing up. I loved that I could be anyone and anywhere when I read.
- Book – try one of my favorite books on our resources page
- Magazine
- Online Article
6. Sleep
We all have those days when we need to just start over. Sometimes you just need to start over
7. Pamper Yourself
- Do something to make you feel special
- Get dressed up
- Do your hair
- Put on makeup
- Get a massage
- Get a facial
- Bonus: one of my favorite places to get products is Lavelle Lush. She creates handmade artisan soaps and body butter which leave your skin feeling soft and smelling amazing. Check out Lavelle Lush on Etsy.
8. Practice gratitude
Gratitude and appreciation are the fastest ways to connect to your higher self.
9. Take a relaxing bath
- Spruce this up with candles, music, essential oils
- Even take a bath in the dark – I have heard this is relaxing but I have not personally tried this one
10. Go on a mini-vacation
Everyone needs a mental health day (or three). I love taking a long weekend off work. Make it a staycation if getting out of town is not an option.
Energy Exerting

11. Do something physical
- Clean the house, do laundry, mop the floor
- Exercise-The exercise “high” is real. Spend 30 minutes to:
- Go for a run
- Take a walk
- Hit the gym
- Youtube exercise video: For those with small children without babysitters (bonus tip)
- Yoga
12. Start a home project
Plan and execute the perfect home project. There are always things around your house that you want to change. Reno your bathroom, paint your bedroom, or just rearrange your living room.
13. Declutter a room or space in your home
- Declutter challenge – 2020 had the goal of getting rid of 50% of my belongings; part of my yearly challenges for the last 3 years. So I have been intentional about decluttering.
My decluttering journey started when I found Simple Happy Zen on YouTube. Vera’s videos on minimalism were instrumental to my life transformation. I started to reflect more on my purchases and became more in tune with my attachments to things. Learn more about Vera by checking out her YouTube channel or visiting her website.
14. Cook a delicious meal
- Try a new recipe if you want new and exciting
- Make your favorite recipe if you want comforting and familiar
My mom is definitely the best cook. I cannot hold a candle to her but I also love Monique of Divas Can Cook. Find a recipe at divascancook.com.
For Christmas this year, a friend gave me her chili recipe and the ingredients to make it. This was an extra special gift to me since a love of cooking is something that my mom and I shared. Since her passing, I feel closest to her when I cook. So any chance I get in the kitchen is great.
15. Go on a date
- Go out to lunch/dinner/gym/bungy jumping/etc. date
Remember that you can date yourself. Getting to know yourself is important.
16. Be productive
- Work on your passion project. What ignites your soul? A project that you work on but it does not feel like work.
- Make a plan to smash your goals
- If you need help developing actionable goals, check out my YGoal Workbook. It will help you sort out why your goals are important and how to create action steps to meet the goals you want.
Energy Neutral

17. Read the Why To Success Blog
Take some time to unwind and read great content to enlighten, inspire and improve your life.
18. Journal your feelings
Check out our weekly Journal Prompt on our Instagram story. Journal prompts are released every Thursday and saved in the highlights.
18. Buy yourself flowers
Because everyone needs a little more beauty on their kitchen table. My favorite flowers are lilies. I have been known to peruse Whole Foods for its flower selection. I am always able to find something I like.
20. Reflect on past accomplishments
Remembering the past successes of your life will pick you up during the rough times.
21. Play a card game
- Alone: Growing up I had a book with 100+ ways to play solitaire. I am not sure if this was sad or ingenious but I know several ways to make cards by myself. When I say I prefer introversion, I am serious about that.
- Truth: I have solitaire downloaded on my Roku. I played often on my exercise ball while preparing for birth.
- With Family/Friends
22. Brain Dump
The process of writing down anything that comes to mind no matter how weird you think it is.
I started this practice a few years ago and have been consistently doing it this year. For me, it is therapeutic and helps get all of those racing thoughts out of my head. I brain dump early in the morning to clear my mind and start the day fresh.
23. Watch a movie
24. Talk to a friend
25. Spend time with friends or family
26. Work on your vision board
Take time to focus on your dreams to raise your spirits.
27. Watch funny videos online
28. Buy yourself something nice
While I am not a fan of retail therapy, I do believe that giving in to some of your wants will make you feel better.
29. Search Pinterest
I have a habit of looking at couples on Pinterest when I am in a bad mood. It makes me feel better to see others happy.
While you are there, check Why To Success on Pinterest.
30. Social Media Scroll
This is ONLY for those who have a healthy relationship with social media. If your timeline makes you feel any negative emotions, then this option is not for you. But if your timeline is filled with happy, inspiring posts, keep scrolling.
The moral of the story is to do what works best for you. Energy balance is so important so knowing yourself and what will work for you is the best route. There will be times when high-energy tasks will make you feel better and other days when a more energy neutral or energy saving task may fare better. Follow your feelings and trust yourself.
What is your favorite way to improve your day? Let us know in the comments.
I hope this article has given you ways to improve your mood on any day. For more inspiration, check out this blog post and follow us on Instagram. Join our email list for additional enlightenment, inspiration, and tools/strategies to improve your life. If you need a personalized goal action plan, schedule a session today.