What do you do when God gives you many gifts and talents…you follow them all of course. Well, actually you take all of those passions and put them under one umbrella. Bridget Newton Ministries is an umbrella, non-profit organization that encompasses all of Bridget’s wonderful products and services geared toward improving the lives of women. With a truly humble approach to leadership, Bridget frequently questioned if she was doing enough….Trust me…. she is. Take the time to dive into a tidbit of this remarkable woman’s life and be inspired to use your gifts to positively impact the world.
Business Name: Bridget Newton Ministries Established: 10 years ago Industry: Coaching, Personal Development Training, Leadership Training Classification: Non-Profit; Women-owned
What inspired you to start Bridget Newton Ministries?

Bridget Newton: I started preaching 40 years ago and I birthed my school, Lady University, in 2011. Lady is an acronym that stands for Love and Developing Yourself. In addition, I began writing publications and started my own publishing company. So, about a decade ago decided to put everything that God called me to under one title, Bridget Newton Ministries. God had called me to do so many different things so it made sense to put them under one organization.
What is your mission?
Bridget Newton: My mission is to empower the total women. To empower and grow women from the inside out. Help them to discover their purpose, walk and understand their destiny and value;
I am passionate about women understanding their value. I have spent the last 16 years helping them do this and trying to use every tool and every platform to assist. It is my heart and my passion.
What value does Bridget Newton Ministries add to the community?
Bridget Newton: One of my roles is to get women in spiritual alignment. I am their Spiritual Mid-Wife which helps them give birth to their purpose. Helping women understand their destinies and value improves their lives and the lives of those around them.
What product/service does Bridget Newton Ministries provide?
Bridget Newton: We provide in-person courses three (3) times a year through Lady University. Starting in January 2023, these courses will be available online as well. In addition, we offer a 4-week Leadership Academy which trains women to become effective leaders.
I own my own publishing company and teach people how to write books. I love that everyone has a story. Also, I published 17 books. Last year, I even released 7 books at one time.
Interviewer Note: Yes, you did read that right. 17 books. It is not a typo.
Do you have anything new or exciting upcoming that you would like to share?
Bridget Newton: First, I am planning on publishing 2 books at the same time in January. Also, Lady University will be available online in January.
What has been your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?
Bridget Newton: Not capitalizing on social media when it first started. I sort of shied away from it because of my shy personality. If I could do things over again, I would have done things differently.
Advice for someone interested in starting a business?
Bridget Newton:
#1 Seek God first. Make sure you put God first.
#2 Let it be something that you are passionate about. Do not start a business just because someone else has a business. Know that your business is what you are called to and pursue it, instead of following someone else’s calling. There are individuals that resonate with your voice.
I always say to people that there are more than McDonald’s lovers. Some people eat Whoppers and not Big Macs. People who eat Big Macs are McDonald’s people and those who prefer Whoppers are Burger King people. So you do not need to worry about getting Big Mac customers if you are Burger King.
Pursue what you are passionate about and NEVER try to compete with anyone else. I believe this has been the greatest downfall with so many ministries and businesses. There could be 10 people that provide a service but each one is unique and has an anointing.
There is a grace on my life to do what I have been called to do and a grace on their lives for what they have been called to do. Each person will reach the people that God assigned to them. If we focus on this, then we will ALL be okay.
You are only trying to reach people who resonate with your voice. Once you find them, you are halfway there. You do not have to worry about anyone else. Do not get caught up in competition or be afraid to step out because you are divinely unique, God’s original and that makes a difference.
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?
Bridget Newton: Oprah Winfrey. First of all, she has done something right in her life. I want to know what she did because it worked. At this time and space in my life, I want to know what works. I want to know what will bring me to the place of ultimate fulfillment and success in all aspects of life. I feel like Oprah tapped into something. What is the blueprint that she followed which helped her obtain her success and get her where she is today?
How can people learn more about Bridget Newton Ministries?
Bridget Newton: If anyone is interested in any of my books or services, they can reach out to me at www.drbnewton.org or [email protected]. Also, follow me on Facebook @DrBridget Ministries.
All I can say is WOW. Any person who has published 17 books is definitely knowledgeable and has many gifts to give to the world. It was an absolute pleasure getting to learn more about Bridget Newton and her ministries. From helping women find their unique purpose and come into spiritual alignment, to traveling the world preaching and teaching. Bridget has her hands full and is truly walking in her God-given purpose. If you would like to follow her journey, participate in one of her courses, or purchase one of her books, please check out the website www.drbnewton.org. Also, Bridget hosts retreats and has speaking gigs so follow her on Facebook to see where she will be next.
If you are a small business owner or know of a business that should be featured in an upcoming Small Business Spotlight, please use the registration link or email [email protected]. Check out the blog post for the inaugural Small Business Spotlight. Also, follow our upcoming featured businesses on the Why To Success blog and Instagram story